We created Hurdle Assist to help reduce injuries.  Hurdle Assist is a new and revolutionary device for athletes to use during their practice sessions.

Hurdle Assist consists of a clip which attaches to a flexible plastic rod which is then attached to the side of a hurdle.  Athletes can then run over the plastic Hurdle Assist rod without fear of hitting a standard hurdle.

Running over hurdles can be difficult.  Much practice is required to become proficient in hurdling.  Running towards a hurdle which is made of hard wood, metal and sharp edges, bolts and a weighted base can be scary for new hurdlers.  Athletes-especially beginners-who run hurdles, may crash into hurdles during practice sustaining minor to severe injuries.  The Hurdle Assist rod is almost resistance free.  Therefore, no injuries can occur during use.

For Beginners:  It is normal to run into hurdles and to fall due to a lack of experience with hurdles.  Beginners may become discouraged if they struggle to clear hurdles.  They may even stop participating in hurdling events altogether.  Hurdle Assist can be used to help beginners learn to clear hurdles safely and easily.   No beginners should give up or quite due to a fear of running hurdles.